Welcome To Bunts Sangha Mumbai
We are a registered body of 94 years old, founded in 1927. It is a very well-known and premier organization of Bunts and represents the aims and aspirations of about 10 lakhs of Bunts living in Mumbai and its suburbs. Bunts Sangha is dedicated to the social, economic, educational, and cultural enrichment of the people of Mumbai.
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Your Bright Future Is Our Mission!
We are committed to the promotion and propagation of quality education with excellence
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What Does Bunts Sangha Expect From You?
We encourage and develop leadership qualities among the Bunt youth and to provide them opportunities to help promote the social, educational and cultural advancement of the community in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Sangha.
Know MoreBunts Matrimonial is an idea to bring together million single hearts of our Community on one platform to find their desired partner for lifetime. It is solely passion that drives our team of BSM to work for the only metro-monial portal in the country. It is also very simple to go through the procedure of finding your life partner with Bunts Sangha Mumbai, you just have to give us your profile and simply describe your desired partner profile. And you rest in peace because rest all is our job. Our is the fastest growing matrimonial portal in Community. We offer a superior matchmaking experience for prospective brides and grooms to meet and communicate with each other by expanding the opportunities available to meet potential life partners and build fulfilling relationships.The objects of the Sangha are to promote social, economic, healthcare, educational and cultural progress and advancement, intellectual and moral improvement and rational recreation of the members of the Bunts Sangha and others.
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